Evaluation Task 4

My perfect audiance member:

Through looking at the UK Tribes website, I was able to see and fully understand more what kind of perfect audiance member I would have. My perfect audiance member would consist being aspirant. This is because my character would be into the latest and newest thing erring film or fashion designs. This would be my typical audience member as they would be trying new things and or seeing the latest edgy Romantic Comedy there is to push there comfort zones or to purely enjoy it.


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What do they listen too ? My audiance member would typically listen too= ed sheeren, jay Z, Coldplay, martin garrix

what films do they watch ?My audiance member would typically watch = Bridget jones dairy/baby, we are your friends, longest ride,


Evaluation Task 3

Here is my Prezi that I made that helps you understand why I chose my logo production and name. helps you understand why production companies  are so important and how distributing films works, and also  how my film attracts certain production companies.

*I was Unable to download the actual application that forms Prezi power points, so I took screen shots to show you them visually.


Evaluation Task 1

Here is a 9 shot grid from www.artofthetitle.com to show key parts of the film.


I created a 9 shot grid of my film “something alike”. In the 9 shot grid it includes the setting, characters, shots, and titles


The Title of the film: The title of my film I believe only convoys some what of my video. The title “something alike” emphasis similarity in a very simple way in my video, and this is clearly shown in the beginning of my film and as they both get ready in front of the mirror and play the same CD. The other half of the video is brought out in romance and comedy.

The setting: In my video the setting for my romantic comedy is very basic. It clearly shows the two People male and female, both situated in normal homes, I used 3 point Lighting in the bathrooms to show the difference between the places they stay in, and to also set the happy tone of rom con and not convey against that and make it dark space. The setting of video was also displayed in Tesco this was the main area where my audience where able to visually see both characters in the same area, to further more add to this setting, the lighting was very good and clear, which allowed to the setting to have a happy vibe to it.

Camera work and editing: This image below is important because it gives us the first impressions and viewing of the girl and the boy doing  similar acts  and movements in there bathrooms, and by editing it making the scene side by side allows the audiance to get a really sense that something might being going to happen between the two, due to editing the scene and pairing the two images together makes people think about love and romance.


Another key image in the video, is the driving scene between the two of them. This is important because I use the same editing technique of putting them side by side (parallel) while they drive, and this will immediately grab the audiences attention more as they have seen this side by side editing earlier on in the video, which will lead them to think they are going to meet and see each other, as the genre is Rom Com this naturally will sparks a light as there is a chance of the male and female passing each others paths  which excites the audiance (Josh + Rosanna)


These two images are really important because these two images show there emotions and facial expressions in “Close up” and this allows the audiance to see what kind of feelings are being transferred, and in these images it is clear to see that they are in a happy as they look across and see one another. These Shots are also important because they key shots in Romantic comedy Movies, as they are used to identify different emotions

Characters/Costumes: The Costumes of two main characters do not stand out to be over complicated, but just simple clothing that fits the character best. I didn’t want my characters to be over dressed and seem as really out ward going people in there style, and I was able to achieve this by josh wearing a black jeans and a white t-shirt and Rosanna wearing sweatpants and a sweater both of these outfits could be used in lots of different genres of films, but I felt they fitted there characters for there age. As Josh is josh is  a typical teenage age boy, and Rosanna is relaxed teenager girl.

Special FX: In my video special effects is not a hugely necessary tool as I have not found my self in any need to tackle my editing of my video with the use of Special effects.

Font and Style: Throughout my video i use clear and distinctive font of ‘Gills san bold’ with a style of text fading in and out of the picture/scene. I use this style because it isn’t edgy nor is it industrial looking. It has a very simple and comfortable feel and it conforms romantic comedy.


Story/Narrative: From the very beginning of my storyline I tried to make it clear to people that my two characters have similar interests in each other, and by trying to get this message out i feel that the 2 of my  **images really help to portray this. As the story of my film “Something alike” continues the boy and the girl both end up in Tesco and from there on we see them take notice of one another, and this signals interest and like for one another, I used close up shots of both characters looking across at each other to really try and show the interest side of one another. As the story moves on, the story goes in a different direction as Rosanna gets embarrassed in the supermarket, she runs away to her car and drives off. Josh at this point chases after her, as he as lot of of interest in her.

These final few scenes help highlight my theme of Romantic Comedy, as Rosanna represents the comedy aspect of runny away after getting embarrassed over a silly thing, and josh highlights, the romance aspect in the final scenes as he runs after her, as he finds her very attractive

Changes *

In my rough edits of my opening film, I have adapted changes in the shots and sound in order to make my video more presentable.

Shots: In some of my shots, I changed the angles of the shots because I wasn’t able to catch my characters facial expressions enough, and i did this because I felt it was important to see physical expressions to one another in the video because it enables us to understand there mood and feelings at that present time in the video

Sound: In my video my ideas of sound that i wanted to use wasn’t a problem, but i was unaware at the time that I was not allowed to use Copy right licensed music. So from this I adapted and sourced my music from “Free-play Music”

screen-shot-2017-02-21-at-12-06-36*Here you can see the “close up shot” of Josh and his physical expression of “Happiness”

Final edit

Here is my final edit of my film. From editing my two previous cuts, I was able to see where my strengths and weakness lie in the videos, and was able to adapt to my weakness and produce my final edit of the video below. I made a major adaption to my videos my editing in narration above the sound score to make sure I really highlighted an extra aspect of comedy. I have put lots of time into making my final production by myself, and hope for a successful outcome.


In my Film I have been representing romantic comedy as my genre. In making my film I have left that my video was lacking the aspect of comedy, so from this realisation I chose to adapt this by  editing in the technique of adding in the “narrators voice” to create a funny element of hearing someones thoughts about someone else, and it really has adapted well to my video and I think it makes the video really funny and enjoyable to watch.

Here is a screen shot to show you my sound bar and where I have adapted the narrators voice:

Screen Shot 2017-03-15 at 19.54.05

Rough edit 2

Here is my second edit of my video. From analysing my fist rough edit, i was able to identify key main points and small ones that will allow me to visually make my video a lot clearer and more satisfying to the eye. I was also able to improve areas in editing, for example compacting some of the scenes in my video of “Something Alike”

Analysing of first edit

In my shot list I have all the shots, and angles I planned to use. after making the plans I made some adjustments, by using different camera shots, and reduced some props in order to maximise the role of making a Successful Rom Com (opening clip).  After Editing and going through my rough Production of my video, I also Took out my soundtrack and exchanged it to another one, in order to fit the mood in the locations I was filming in.

This is some evidence of my editing in my video:

Editing on Imovie